popular tutors
on KEWOO earn
up to 500 €

Most popular tutor on
KEWOO earn up to
500 € weekly.


Commission fee of your first lesson


Commission of all subsequent lessons


Pure satisfaction

Become a tutor

Living off our passion never was easier!

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Become a boss of your own time

Work hours that fit your lifestyle. You decide when and how many lessons to teach.

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Get out of your confort zone! Actually... make it your office!

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Be your own boss

You set your own rates. You can change your hourly rate at any time.

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Secure payments

You receive payments directly from your students to your bank account or other wallets via your favorite payment channels.


How do I become a Kewoo tutor?

Please submit your application by completing the registration process.

Do I have to be a certified teacher?

No, you are not required to be a certified teacher. Teaching diploma and/or your past teaching experience might help you increase your chances of attracting students, but if you are simply passionate about teaching, you're more than welcome to sign up as a tutor on Kewoo.

When I will hear form Kewoo?

Once your application has been submitted, you should hear from us within 24 hours.

What are the tips for a profile approval?

Often, the profile photo, video or description doesn't meet our requirements. Make sure you use a real image in which your face is clearly visible. Take your time to shoot a video introduction in a well-lighted place and fill in the description section properly.

How do I get students on Kewoo?

Your tutor profile will be visible in our search results. You can also feature your profile to attract more attention or use the bids to position your profile at the top of our search result list.

How do I get paid?

When booking a lesson with you, a student chooses one of the payment methods that you accept. Payments will be made directly by a students to your account through the selected payment method. In settings, you can choose your payment preferences, that is, when you prefer your students to pay you: before, during or after the lesson. You can also agree payment method with your students via IM (instant messaging) or during the trial lesson.

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